Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Welcome to my blog everyone. I hope you’ll all take part in discussing where we’ve been and where we’re going. I just want to mention that in order to post your comments I asked my webmaster for people not to register. I hate remembering all my internet passwords and stuff like that so why should my fans!
Now lets get to know eachother a little better....


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that last fight sucked shit hardcore! You had that guy Heath, you had him! Noguira should of been gonzo

Anonymous said...

Glass Joe want a piece of Heath


Glass Joe

Anonymous said...

Hope to see you back in the octagon soon! Kepp it up!

Anonymous said...

Heath dont forget you have some loyal fans, and for more reasons than for your fights. like your character! you didnt have the silverspoon , groomed to be champion route like those ultimate fighter reality-tv boys.
yours was atrial by fire! fighting some of the best in the world right out of the gate!!!
you did it all with class.
i have also seen your stand-up skills go way up, i think thats the way for you dude!! your meant to brawl not lay&pray, THATS WHY YOU HAVE NEVER FOUGHT A BORING FIGHT. we love ya Bro

Rebecca said...

I enjoy watching all of your fights. You are one of the most versatile fighters out there. You can take it to the ground or stand up just as well. You are a true inspiration!

Rebecca said...

I see that you are on the Fight card for UFC 82. Looking forward to it! You are always an exciting fighter. Good luck Heath!

Anonymous said...

Heath and Stevo:

Drop by to support your local Chiropractor...


Any advice is appreciated...

In both the website/blog realm
AND the F&%king guys up...ummm...realm.


drtrev and Glass Joe

P.S. I saw Heath the other day - looking lean dude.